With artifacts and curios from villages, a professional Mising museum will be set up in LIFE-PLUS complex, Jorhat. The Misings are a people with fascinating utility efficient tools and crafts that they make and use on a daily basis. Some of these artifacts however, disappear from the midst of the community all together for reasons such as finding newer alternatives easily available in towns and cities hence cutting down on the laborious workmanship each artifact demandsso on and so forth. No museum however, has documented crafts and artifacts specifically of the Misings alone except for a few at the Anthropological Museum of Guwahati University. Therefore we come to understand

  • A people with over 800 years of existence in Assam alone has no apparent history/ evidence for reference/study/ demonstrations
  • Mising homes being modest bamboo structures are not decorated with artifacts/ things of symbolic importance either.
  • Things of historical importance and heritage are either taken away by somebody or children use them as toys

In such a scenario, I-CARD hopes to aid in creating the one stop learning centre for Misings by collecting artifacts of daily use/ historical value/ traditional utility and keep them together to teach youngsters/ researchers/ students etc about them. Thus serving the community.

From Models displaying clothing styles of different sub clans of the community to handicrafts to handlooms and products, the museum will be a point of referance for anyone interested in learning about the Misings. All along, this will also help us promote cultural tourism.

What purpose does the Museum serve?

  • Preservation for the future generations
  • Assign historical value
  • Demonstrate to younger generations
  • Research
  • Greater understanding of the people
  • Studying historical transitions
  • Unique to the tribe